Most common types of business entities
best used for
- Seeking venture capital or other outside investment
- Ongoing profitable business
- Management looking for traditional structure
Not good for
- Those needing or wanting pass-through taxation
- Those who don’t like holding meetings and dealing with formality
- Limited Liability protection for the owners
- Ability to raise outside investment
- Decades of legal precedents to follow
- Well-understood legal structure
- Strict formalities to follow
- Must file corporate tax return each year
- Can be complex to maintain
- Annual taxes, fees and reports to file and pay
- Can be complex to close down
- C Corporations face double taxation Subject to tax on worldwide income
limited liability companies (LLC)
best used for
- Owners looking for less formal structure
- Investing in real estate and passive investments
- Corporate subsidiaries
Not good for
- Those seeking professional investment (venture capital)
- Non-US residents doing business in the US, particularly Canadian resident
- Limited Liability protection for the owners
- Easy to maintain
- Extremely flexible for legal and tax purposes, so can be tailored to the needs of the owners and the particular deal
- Flexible allocation of profits/losses among the members.
- Difficult to use for obtaining outside investment
- Setting up properly can be tricky, especially with multiple members
- Can be complicated if new members added or existing members leave
- Members (owners) are subject to self-employment and unincorporated business taxes
- Can be complex to close down
- Members living in other states can create tax complications if they are active in company management
Sole proprietorship
best used for
- Looking for no long term commitment
- Easy to start and stop
- Simple taxes
Not good for
- Those who want limited liability
- Those who are thinking to build up a real business
- Want to hire employees or otherwise have liability risks
- Fast, easy and cheap to form on your own
- Easy to close/end
- Provides NO liability protection to the owner
- Extremely difficult to obtain outside funding
- Extremely difficult to obtain outside funding
USA Corporate Services is not a law or accounting firm, so we can’t give any legal or accounting advice.
Please be sure to discuss accounting and legal matters with the appropriate professionals before you get started.